Location: St. Mary Overie Dock, Cathedral St., London, SE1 Tube Station: London Bridge - Map of Golden Hinde Category: Nautical Sites Phone: 08700/11-8700 Price: £3.50, £4.50 for prebooked guided tour Hours: Times vary; call ahead Website: http://www.goldenhinde.co.uk
Location: Bevis Marks, London, EC1 Tube Station: Aldgate East, Liverpool St. - Map of Bevis Marks Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue Category: Religious Sites Phone: 020/7626-1274 Hours: Mon.-Wed., Fri. and Sat. 11:30-1, Sun. 10:30-12:30
Location: Broad Sanctuary, London, SW1 Tube Station: Westminster - Map of Westminster Abbey Category: Religious Sites Phone: 020/7222-5152 Price: Abbey and museum £10 Hours: Abbey Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri. 9:30-3:45, Wed. 9:30-6, Sat. 9-1:45 (closes 1 hr after last admission). Museum daily 10:30-4. Cloisters daily 8-6. College Garden Tues.-Thurs. Apr.-Sept. 10-6, Oct.-Mar. 10-4. Separate admission for Chapter House daily 10-4. Abbey closed to visitors during weekday and Sun. services Website: http://www.westminster-abbey.org
Location: The Temple, London, EC4 Tube Station: Temple - Map of Temple Church Category: Religious Sites Phone: 020/7353-3470 Hours: Wed.-Sat. 11-4, Sun. 1-4, and closures for special services